Thursday, January 31, 2013

Yellow Wallpaper

I did not like Yellow Wallpaper. It left too many questions unanswered. Was she crazy the whole time? Or did being locked in that room with the wallpaper make her crazy? At first, I did not think she was crazy. I thought she literally meant she was sick as in had a cough or sneeze or something of that nature. Then later in the story, the way she described the wallpaper, I began to wonder if she was a little off in the head. Either that or she really did see that stuff and her husband was actually out to get her and drive her to insanity by denying that stuff was there or happening. The last page of the story is when I just did not know what to think anymore. I know there could be more than one interpretation of the ending, but I am not sure which one I believe. I am kind of leaning more towards the one where she hung herself. That would explain the purpose of the rope. I also think that would make for the juiciest ending. If anyone would like to share what they think happened, I am all ears!


  1. I don't think anyone liked or understood that story..haha

  2. I didn't like it either, I thought it was weird! LOL

  3. Yesss, I know I was completely confused at first! I was thinking the same, like she was really sick but as I kept reading I began to realize that she was mentally sick and needed help which was why she was restricted from doing a lot of stuff that normal people would do on a daily basis, like write for example.

  4. I'm with you guys, it was confusing. Not only was confusing , but I thought it was rather creepy. Our discussion in class was quite interesting though.
