Monday, March 4, 2013

The Mums

I am going back to a story we read quite a few weeks ago because we have not read anything new the past couple of weeks. This week I want to talk about "The Mums". I felt bad for the woman in this story. Her life seems pretty crappy. I think on the inside she knows this too, but she just tries not to think about it and keeps it bottled up inside. Seeing her mums on the side of the road, though, was the final straw. She just kind of broke down and let her true emotions show somewhat (she still did not let her husband see her crying). I hope I never end up, unhappily married, like her. I wish she would have tried to voice her opinions and feelings sometimes. I think that could have made a difference because her husband seemed like a nice guy that would at least take her words into consideration. Whether or not he acted on them, would be another story. Maybe if they made some changes, she would not feel the need to try to feel up a stranger's leg. I still cannot believe she fell for that guy's lies.


  1. Yeah I completely agree that she keeps she emotions inside and tries to convince herself that she's not as sick as she knows she is.

  2. I agree that she keeps her emotions inside. However, I disagree with her having a crappy life. I felt her husband did what he could to make her happy, but she chose to under appreciate him. It could have just been a rough patch in the marriage and she could have, like you said, just voiced her opinions and worked things out with her husband instead of losing hope in the marriage.

  3. I feel like she was unable to completely express her real feelings not only because of her husband but because of how women were "supposed" to act back then. I dont think that she had a crappy life, i just think that the pressures of her societal roles wore on her and she yearned to be more independent and less lady like.
